Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Evangelistic Campaign in Cusco, Peru

I am thrilled to report a new development from our Church Planting project in Cusco, Peru. There is a new project that will take place this month that I believe will have a tremendous impact on the evangelistic impact of our church-plant in Cusco. An evangelistic group from Colombia called "Pasemos y Ayudemos" (Come Over And Help Us) is planning on coming to Cusco to hold an evangelistic campaign on June 20 - 30. I am truly excited about this because this group has traveled throughout Latin America, and everywhere they go God has used them to reach people for Jesus Christ, and have been a blessing to the churches where they've worked. They travel in a group of 10-12 young people, and raise their own support in order to go where God gives them open doors. They have a missionary spirit, and it shows through in the results of their ministry. Please be sure keep this in your prayers.

Naturally, there are logistical costs that our Pastor in Cusco, Jose De Ita will have to incur that are outside of our regularly budgeted expenses. If there happens to be uncommitted funds in your Missions Budget, or if the Lord might lay this evangelistic project on your heart to support, please feel free to let me know as soon as you can. Pastor De Ita has taken this step of faith to host this group simply because he believes their presence and ministry could result in many souls won into the Kingdom. Any help you might be able to give to this effort would be a blessing beyond imagination.

1 comment:

Franzi said...

Hi Pastor Jonathan,
I'm going to Cusco in January and I'm still looking for a church to go to there and I found this website over my search on google. Could you tell me the exact address of the Pilgrim Weslyen Church of Peru? That would be amazing!